


先通医药首席技术官张裕民博士发布了北京先通国际医药科技股份有限公司获得美国国立卫生研究院授予“治疗转移性去势抵抗前列腺癌的放射性药物”的全球独家开发及商业化专利许可的消息(后附 press release的中英文稿)。





press release的中英文稿

Sinotau Pharmaceutical Group Receives from NIH A Grant of Exclusive Patent License of Radionuclide Therapy for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer


Beijing, China, October 15, 2018—Sinotau Pharmaceutical Group (the Company) announced today that, in accordance with the applicable U.S. laws, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted the Company an exclusive worldwide license for the development and commercialization of a patent estate covering inventions for radionuclide therapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

中国北京,2018年10月15日 – 先通医药(公司)今天宣布,依照美国的相关法律,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的国家生物医学影像和生物工程研究所(NIBIB)将其放射性核素治疗转移性去势难治性前列腺癌的发明授予该公司,独家用于全球的开发与商业化。

“With the introduction of this product Sinotau is stepping into a new era of development for therapeutic radionuclides that will reshape the future of the Company,” said Mr. Sam (Xinsheng) Xu, the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Sinotau board of directors.  “We are grateful to the brilliant inventors Drs. Xiaoyuan Chen and Orit Jacobson Weiss of NIBIB, for developing this glorious molecule, with the potential to benefit patients all over the world.  We also highly appreciate the NHLBI Office of Technology Transfer and Development for negotiating and granting a license to Sinotau”.

对此,先通医药董事长兼首席执行官徐新盛先生激动地表示:“我们很高兴能从这么负有盛名的机构NIH获得这项专利许可。这个项目的引进,标志着先通医药进入治疗性放射性药物开发的时代,这将重塑公司的未来”。 “我们衷心地感谢 NIBIB的卓越的发明家Xiaoyuan Chen博士和Orit Jacobson Weiss博士发明了这么好的分子,这有可能使全世界成千上万的患者受益。我们也非常感谢NIH的技术转让与开发办公室在谈判和授权许可过程中提供的协助”。

About the Company:  

Sinotau Pharmaceutical Group (Sinotau) is headquartered in Beijing, China.  The company was launched in 2004 with the initial goal to develop, manufacture and commercialize imported and local generic medicines in China.  Since 2014, the company has extended its efforts into radiopharmaceutical development and commercialization in China, and through both licensing and in-house development the Company has implemented an imaging pipeline in the fields of oncology, neurodegenerative diseases and cardiovascular diseases, along with an oncology therapy (theranostics) pipeline. The company has approximately 260 full-time employees, with a subsidiary in USA (Sinotau USA).

For more information, please visit: www.sinotau.com or

Sinotau Contact: Sam Xu, President and CEO, at samxxs@sinotau.com

Licensing Contact: Michael Shimilovich, Michael A. Shmilovich, Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Office of Technology Transfer and Development, NIH. Esq, CLP; 301-435-5019; shmilovm@mail.nih.gov


先通医药总部位于中国北京。公司成立于2004年。最初目标是在中国开发、生产和商业化进口药和仿制药。自2014年以来,先通医药将业务扩展到放射性药物的开发和商业化,通过技术许可和自我研发,在神经退行性疾病,心血管疾病和肿瘤领域布局了多个用于诊断和治疗的放药产品。公司拥有约260名全职员工,在美国设有子公司先通美国(Sinotau USA)。



NIH专利许可联系人:Dr. Michael Shimilovich,美国国立卫生研究院技术转让与发展办公室 国家心脏、肺和血液研究所高级许可和专利经理 Esq,CLP; 301-435-5019; shmilovm@mail.nih.gov